what i'm babbling about is non other than the 'mystical' chain-letter...for example:
1. seorang saudara bombay telah menerima wasiat ini dan beliau telah mencetak 20 salinan dan mengirimkan kepada orang lain. Ia kemudia dianugerahi Allah dengan mendapat keuntungan besar dalam perniagaannya. 2. seorang hamba Allah telah menerima wasiat serupa tetapi tidak mengindahkannya dan menggangap wasiat ini adalah palsu, maka selang beberapa lama anaknya meninggal dunia
this is only part of the post that i always been receiving since the past few years...through Friendster message and bulletin and through the e-mail...what i understand about the true purpose of the original author of the whole story are:
- want people to pray for him/her own good. (but through wrong way)
- want to attract people's symphaty. (yeah right...)
- want to make people believe their story is true. (don't make me laugh)
- well at least threaten people to believe them. (through ambiguos threat such as your son will die or something that sewaktu dengannya)
- using the Holy matter such as the name of Prophet Muhammad and Allah.
for me , this is quite serious...it involves our faith...for me, those things should not be treated because there is no concrete proves or dalil...it is not even a fatwa...
i just wonder why people keep believing on this matter...maybe because certain people make use of religious words or figures (Allah, Muhammad etc) contribute to this problem...using these things does not mean it is true,man...
my advice, just follow the right path...
hmmm. ntahlaa. manusia suke salah gune bende2 camtuh.
to van der shraaf: well, people also unclear what is the RIGHT path...
to juan: hmm...orang2 melayu ramai percaya bende2...lepas gune sket nama Allah atau Nabi atau wahyu jek, cair...angguk kepala sampai ke lutut...
xpyahla percaya sgt bnde2 cmtu.
pikir logik sndiri la..
surat berantai tu benda MATI..xde power apa2 pun..yang bagi manfaat mudarat sesungguhnya hanyalah Allah ta'ala sahaja. bukan surat berantai tuh..btol x?
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