why ced? why? why did you left me for her? sob sob....
ok cut the crap...just now was only a drama...
ced? why with just simple sentences, all my hope are lost? why?
tinesh-call-cendana-say-same-room-roommate-next-sem <---just like the question from school
then, i have to stay with those 'beasts' again?? Nooonononononooooooooo.....i'll hardly get 3 pointer if i stay with them...they won't study at all!!! all the time game game game...eventhou' they suck at gaming...i can own them and still they wanna play?...sigh...
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Dewasa Ini
haiz...bila jam dah tepat kol 12.00 tgh malam @ 0000 hours, sumer org dlm tv2 yg tgh siarkan lintas langsung dr dataran merdeka teros bersorak melompat2 cam org gila...aku makin hari makin pelik, apa la yg gumbira sangat gi konsert2 gitu + nyambut sesuatu keraian dengan bersungguh2 @ fanatik...(adakah aku anti-sosialist?)
mungkin ini masalah saya sahaja atau tidak...atau mungkin disebabkan aku telah dididik oleh mak bapak aku sejak kecik tidak meraikan apa2 keraian yg melainkan keraian dlm kalendar Islam...
aku kagum juga tgk PM kita yg hanya meraikan dengan ala kadar atau bersederhana...itu yg saya harapkan dr seorang pemimpin yg alim...org2 lain disekitar beliau? senyum sampai nampak gigi!!
tapi aku agak tak sedap la tgk ada perayaan gitu walhal baru sahaja Yang DiPertuan negeri sembilan mangkat...sepatutnya tidaklah perlu diraikan sebegitu 'grand'...sama seperti ketika 26 Disember beberapa tahun dahulu ketika negara kita dilanda tsunami...teros sahaja PM batalkan sambutan tahun baru...
ntah la...ini pendapat aku dan apa yg aku lihat dr kaca mata aku...no offense...peace not war...palestine not israel...
mungkin ini masalah saya sahaja atau tidak...atau mungkin disebabkan aku telah dididik oleh mak bapak aku sejak kecik tidak meraikan apa2 keraian yg melainkan keraian dlm kalendar Islam...
aku kagum juga tgk PM kita yg hanya meraikan dengan ala kadar atau bersederhana...itu yg saya harapkan dr seorang pemimpin yg alim...org2 lain disekitar beliau? senyum sampai nampak gigi!!
tapi aku agak tak sedap la tgk ada perayaan gitu walhal baru sahaja Yang DiPertuan negeri sembilan mangkat...sepatutnya tidaklah perlu diraikan sebegitu 'grand'...sama seperti ketika 26 Disember beberapa tahun dahulu ketika negara kita dilanda tsunami...teros sahaja PM batalkan sambutan tahun baru...
ntah la...ini pendapat aku dan apa yg aku lihat dr kaca mata aku...no offense...peace not war...palestine not israel...
Turning Over the 19th Leaf...

Sigh....the 1st sun of the next year will rise up soon...in matter of a few hours, the start of a new dawn shall be a reality...(what am i babbling about...duh...)
2008-the year of challenges
- filled with boring gaps...i mean, too much holiday...from Dis2007~June2008...then from Nov2008~Dis2008....seems like my head going to be dumb...
- my academic records are filled with glory and defeat...(SPM-11A, midterm-2.67 CGPA, Finalterm-3.02 CGPA, SAT-1080, TOEFL-99)
- found new friends, worthy enough to be one of my best friends...(trust-worthy is virtue)
- i experienced 2 kinds of job...waiter and aircraft cleaner...
- got the freedom i wanted...can explore the world on my own...Campus Life Roxx!!!
- i got accustomed to befriending with anyone, and that including the girls...and Juan, i put the GIRL word into my statement, doesn't mean anything fishy okay? (seriously, before this, people start a friendship with me first, rather than me going to them...)
- i met rather-new-for-me kind of people in my dorm...maybe because i'm not from a boarding school...
- i became more fashion-consious...hahax...(1st time i shop with my friends without my parents picking up cloths for me)
- i came back to where i belonged, Shah Alam...(i grew up in Shah Alam before i moved to Kuantan...i felt very comfortable during my stay there)
- i reached my objective to reach at least 175cm in my height...maybe now is around 177cm~178cm...yeah~~
- i can use 'AKU' during my conversation with anyone...haha...no joke, it's the truth...(primary school-"Adam nak gi kedai.", secondary school-"saya nak gi kedai.", Uni-"Aku nak gi kedai.")
- i can finally speak in English without much hesitation!!! (thanx to Cedric!!) before this, i was quite unsure of my skill...
Monday, December 29, 2008
huhu....sikit lagi nak masok semester 2 dah...rasa cam nak slow-kan masa tapi dalam masa yg sama, nak cepatkan masa gak...yer la, siapa taknak duk lepak kat rumah sampai berjanggut tak wat apa2...tapi aku nak gak enjoy ngan member2 kat asrama...huhu...
yup, harap2 sangat la dpt tukar roommate...nasib la dah kumpul2 sket ahli2 baru bilik yg sekepala ngan aku...harap kitaorg ley kerjasama...
list bakal roommate aku:
masih lagi open utk sesiapa yg nak...ekekek...asalkan jangan wat masalah yg sama cam roommate2 aku ngan juan dulu...aku ngan juan perintis room baru nih sebab tak tahan ngan roommate lama...ekekek....
uiks, dgr kata MARA dah start bagi elaun ikot bulan2...aloorr...takley la enjoy...oppsss....takley la nak beli buku....heheh...mana duit aku tak masok2 lagi nih...arghhh
yup, harap2 sangat la dpt tukar roommate...nasib la dah kumpul2 sket ahli2 baru bilik yg sekepala ngan aku...harap kitaorg ley kerjasama...
list bakal roommate aku:
- Juan
- Cedric
- Talhah
- Nabil*
- Che Amin*
masih lagi open utk sesiapa yg nak...ekekek...asalkan jangan wat masalah yg sama cam roommate2 aku ngan juan dulu...aku ngan juan perintis room baru nih sebab tak tahan ngan roommate lama...ekekek....
uiks, dgr kata MARA dah start bagi elaun ikot bulan2...aloorr...takley la enjoy...oppsss....takley la nak beli buku....heheh...mana duit aku tak masok2 lagi nih...arghhh
ades...macam mana nih...aku dah kata dah kat OSSP yg aku nak tukar Illinois jadi Purdue...tapi OSSP tak bagi apa2 respond pon...koya la aku...
kalo dah pasti diaorg da hantar borang Purdue aku, boley la aku ngan senang atinyer gi bayar collegeboard ngan toefl utk hantar additional score notification kat Purdue...
ades...camner nih?????? kalo aku wat tak kisah mampos aku...dah la markah SAT aku low banget...
kalo dah pasti diaorg da hantar borang Purdue aku, boley la aku ngan senang atinyer gi bayar collegeboard ngan toefl utk hantar additional score notification kat Purdue...
ades...camner nih?????? kalo aku wat tak kisah mampos aku...dah la markah SAT aku low banget...
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Berkecamuk fikiran dan emosi ku ketika dikejutkan pada awal pagi hari ini...bukan disebabkan untuk mengajak aku berjalan2 (seperti yg biasa dialakukan oleh adik2 aku) ataupon ada tetamu mahu bertandang ke rumah (aku tido kat ruang tamu...heheh)...tetapi oleh satu berita buruk...

sepupu ku, siti aqilah hasanah, telah kembali ke rahmatullah pada pagi ini...mendiang baru saja berumur 2 bulan lebih, namun Allah lebih menyayanginya dan dari Allah mendiang datang, dan kepada Allah sahaja dia kembali...Innalillahiwainnalillahirajiun....mari kita mensedekahkan surah Al-Fatihah kepada mendiang, semoga roh mendiang dimasukkan ke taman2 syurga...aminn...

p.s : selamat tahun baru untuk semua umat Islam...semoga hidup akan sentiasa dirahmati Allah...amin...dan juga semoga roh Allahyarham Yang DiPertuan Besar Negeri Sembilan yang baru sahaja mangkat semalam dicucuri rahmat dari-Nya...

sepupu ku, siti aqilah hasanah, telah kembali ke rahmatullah pada pagi ini...mendiang baru saja berumur 2 bulan lebih, namun Allah lebih menyayanginya dan dari Allah mendiang datang, dan kepada Allah sahaja dia kembali...Innalillahiwainnalillahirajiun....mari kita mensedekahkan surah Al-Fatihah kepada mendiang, semoga roh mendiang dimasukkan ke taman2 syurga...aminn...

p.s : selamat tahun baru untuk semua umat Islam...semoga hidup akan sentiasa dirahmati Allah...amin...dan juga semoga roh Allahyarham Yang DiPertuan Besar Negeri Sembilan yang baru sahaja mangkat semalam dicucuri rahmat dari-Nya...
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Lesson in Life...
hmm...today and yesterday and the day before yesterday and the day before before yesterday were quite boring that i thought, "heck what i'm gonna do now?? ....." and walked all over my house just to find anything interesting to do...after 20 minutes of random walking-in-search-of-anything-interesting-to-do, i resort to my lappy and opened the link of my favourite bookmarked; OneManga...

well, as i'm quite an avid manga* lover (i reject Malaysian comics*...no offense...thier plot is too shallow), i would spend hours of reading the mangas... (you can call me Otaku for a start... ~.~)... after scrolling through the vast list of the available manga, i resort to Bitter Virgin and Densha Otoko....well just to make things clear, i rarely read anything romantic...i always resort to something action-packed or humorous...

reading manga lets me think back if the situation in the manga really happens in my own life...well, not to say it will never happen although they (the mangas) are fictionous (did i use correct word?). some of the situation MIGHT and CAN happen in our daily life...IMHO (in my honest opinion), i think than reading manga does greater impact than reading novels...no offense...

hmm...for Bitter Virgin, i accidentally clicked on it 'coz it is one of the most popular manga noawadays...the story teaches me to accept a person despite the horrid or dark past or whatever people badmouthing about him/her...although the story is about a girl having a dark past, i can reflect it to men too (i'm not gay okay...) ...every person have their own secret, be it good or bad that can never be shared with others...we have to respect that...people who did something horrible in the past, do not mean that they will do the same thing in the future...and one more important thing, pre-marital sex bring more cons than pros... (*_*)

okay, for the second manga, Densha Otoko (Train Man), which is one of the best manga i've ever come across of...the storyline is very unique and the drawing strokes of the mangaka is unlike any other...very simple yet attractive...the story is about an Otaku guy falling in love with a celebrity-like woman of elegant status...the story is somehow realistic unlike any other manga which depict hard-to-be-true a.k.a impossible love story... well, i can't say much about how would i reflect the whole story to a real life...it is possible, 'coz i've seen many not-so-good-looking guys dating darn-hot-like-chilli-pepper gals (no offense...)...not-so-good-looking guys are not necessarily bad and darn-hot-like-chilli-pepper gals are not necessarily bitchy in nature which most of us (men and women) do think...

well...everything i've written here is just my two cent...peace (V^o^V) <------i learn this from Densha Otoko manga...hahax...there's more actually... (^-^) they can even make a flower and fireworks using just computer symbols...sigh...i wish i can do that...(~.~)"

well, as i'm quite an avid manga* lover (i reject Malaysian comics*...no offense...thier plot is too shallow), i would spend hours of reading the mangas... (you can call me Otaku for a start... ~.~)... after scrolling through the vast list of the available manga, i resort to Bitter Virgin and Densha Otoko....well just to make things clear, i rarely read anything romantic...i always resort to something action-packed or humorous...

reading manga lets me think back if the situation in the manga really happens in my own life...well, not to say it will never happen although they (the mangas) are fictionous (did i use correct word?). some of the situation MIGHT and CAN happen in our daily life...IMHO (in my honest opinion), i think than reading manga does greater impact than reading novels...no offense...

hmm...for Bitter Virgin, i accidentally clicked on it 'coz it is one of the most popular manga noawadays...the story teaches me to accept a person despite the horrid or dark past or whatever people badmouthing about him/her...although the story is about a girl having a dark past, i can reflect it to men too (i'm not gay okay...) ...every person have their own secret, be it good or bad that can never be shared with others...we have to respect that...people who did something horrible in the past, do not mean that they will do the same thing in the future...and one more important thing, pre-marital sex bring more cons than pros... (*_*)

okay, for the second manga, Densha Otoko (Train Man), which is one of the best manga i've ever come across of...the storyline is very unique and the drawing strokes of the mangaka is unlike any other...very simple yet attractive...the story is about an Otaku guy falling in love with a celebrity-like woman of elegant status...the story is somehow realistic unlike any other manga which depict hard-to-be-true a.k.a impossible love story... well, i can't say much about how would i reflect the whole story to a real life...it is possible, 'coz i've seen many not-so-good-looking guys dating darn-hot-like-chilli-pepper gals (no offense...)...not-so-good-looking guys are not necessarily bad and darn-hot-like-chilli-pepper gals are not necessarily bitchy in nature which most of us (men and women) do think...

well...everything i've written here is just my two cent...peace (V^o^V) <------i learn this from Densha Otoko manga...hahax...there's more actually... (^-^) they can even make a flower and fireworks using just computer symbols...sigh...i wish i can do that...(~.~)"
Sunday, December 21, 2008
At Last...
the day before yesterday, a letter came to my house (of course through the postman), bearing the symbol of a company that made me visualised everything that happened on that very day...hmm...non other than the biggest airline company of our country...i cannot show the screenshot of the letter for privacy purpose...
for your information, the case of sexual abuse that happened weeks ago at KLIA, has been covered my the media, or specificly one of the newspaper company in 2 weeks after the incident...although i cannot get my hands on that copy of newspaper...
let's stick to the letter shall we? hmm..the letter stated the name of the person who conducted mischieve on us...good..then, oh ya...most importantly the letter is not a fraud 'coz it has the original full colour letterhead and the signature of the highest member of the MAS security...i thought, WOW...this is serious man!! the top woman of the security organization of whole KLIA has been taking this incident seriously...however, what i was not assured was that the letter stated that "beliau telah dikenakan tindakan dalaman" (almost the same as the original)...errr...hello~~the world is now corrupt...i won't believe such thing as internal action or has been investigated or detained by his own company...i wanted to see that person been taken action in front of my eyes, or send me a proof of anything to back up those words...
hmm..seems like the problem has been solved...i hope that the person won't come to my house late at night to take revenge...haha... (^-^)
for your information, the case of sexual abuse that happened weeks ago at KLIA, has been covered my the media, or specificly one of the newspaper company in 2 weeks after the incident...although i cannot get my hands on that copy of newspaper...
let's stick to the letter shall we? hmm..the letter stated the name of the person who conducted mischieve on us...good..then, oh ya...most importantly the letter is not a fraud 'coz it has the original full colour letterhead and the signature of the highest member of the MAS security...i thought, WOW...this is serious man!! the top woman of the security organization of whole KLIA has been taking this incident seriously...however, what i was not assured was that the letter stated that "beliau telah dikenakan tindakan dalaman" (almost the same as the original)...errr...hello~~the world is now corrupt...i won't believe such thing as internal action or has been investigated or detained by his own company...i wanted to see that person been taken action in front of my eyes, or send me a proof of anything to back up those words...
hmm..seems like the problem has been solved...i hope that the person won't come to my house late at night to take revenge...haha... (^-^)
Ades...Men-TAG-kan Diri...
*post kali ini akan menggunakan Bahasa Melayu.
hmm...memandangkan member aku, ACAP (haha...siap bold lagi), mahu men-tag-kan diri aku, jadi aku terpaksa lah tunduk dengan apa yang diperlukan seperti yang tertera dalam arahan yg diberi...tapi maaf sebab lambat post...tak jumpa-jumpa handphone aku nak ambik gambar...sesat mana ntah...nih baru jumpa...hahax... (^-^)
1) Take a recent picture of yourself or take your picture of yourself right now
2) dont change your clothes, dont fix your hair..just take a picture
3) paste the picture with no editing
4) post these instructions with your picture
5) tag 5 people to do this "
*memandangkan aku sering atau bakal menulis beberapa artikel yg akan menyentuh sensiviti pelbagai pihak, jadi baiklah aku tidak menunjukkan sepenuhnya rupa diriku...sebagai langkah keselamatan...
(tengok mata aku tuh, ada 'dark ring' dah...sbb hari-hari tido pukul 4 pagi...)
hmm...memandangkan member aku, ACAP (haha...siap bold lagi), mahu men-tag-kan diri aku, jadi aku terpaksa lah tunduk dengan apa yang diperlukan seperti yang tertera dalam arahan yg diberi...tapi maaf sebab lambat post...tak jumpa-jumpa handphone aku nak ambik gambar...sesat mana ntah...nih baru jumpa...hahax... (^-^)
1) Take a recent picture of yourself or take your picture of yourself right now
2) dont change your clothes, dont fix your hair..just take a picture
3) paste the picture with no editing
4) post these instructions with your picture
5) tag 5 people to do this "

(tengok mata aku tuh, ada 'dark ring' dah...sbb hari-hari tido pukul 4 pagi...)
Saturday, December 20, 2008
?????? I Want to Believe (as if i want)
hmm...i keep wondering from time to time...why our people keep believing things that are very vague and unproven in front of our 2 tiny eyes...they quickly give up their faith in Allah that only Allah has the power to control this phenomenon and not human...
what i'm babbling about is non other than the 'mystical' chain-letter...for example:
1. seorang saudara bombay telah menerima wasiat ini dan beliau telah mencetak 20 salinan dan mengirimkan kepada orang lain. Ia kemudia dianugerahi Allah dengan mendapat keuntungan besar dalam perniagaannya. 2. seorang hamba Allah telah menerima wasiat serupa tetapi tidak mengindahkannya dan menggangap wasiat ini adalah palsu, maka selang beberapa lama anaknya meninggal dunia
this is only part of the post that i always been receiving since the past few years...through Friendster message and bulletin and through the e-mail...what i understand about the true purpose of the original author of the whole story are:
what i'm babbling about is non other than the 'mystical' chain-letter...for example:
1. seorang saudara bombay telah menerima wasiat ini dan beliau telah mencetak 20 salinan dan mengirimkan kepada orang lain. Ia kemudia dianugerahi Allah dengan mendapat keuntungan besar dalam perniagaannya. 2. seorang hamba Allah telah menerima wasiat serupa tetapi tidak mengindahkannya dan menggangap wasiat ini adalah palsu, maka selang beberapa lama anaknya meninggal dunia
this is only part of the post that i always been receiving since the past few years...through Friendster message and bulletin and through the e-mail...what i understand about the true purpose of the original author of the whole story are:
- want people to pray for him/her own good. (but through wrong way)
- want to attract people's symphaty. (yeah right...)
- want to make people believe their story is true. (don't make me laugh)
- well at least threaten people to believe them. (through ambiguos threat such as your son will die or something that sewaktu dengannya)
- using the Holy matter such as the name of Prophet Muhammad and Allah.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Lawak Lawak...

haha...best giler aku tersempak ngan gambo2 yg budak terencat buat nih tadi...nak share ngan korang semua...

Monday, December 15, 2008
Judge Me Please...
hehe...thanks to aisya, i always wanted to do this long time ago...she did this before in her blog which gave me an insight to revive my will to do this now...i've done this before during the Telekom Scholarship Camp and in Eugene class just before Miss Hanie left us to pursue her dream...
now, maybe this is may seem unuseful to others, but it is important to me as to evaluate what i am really...please any of my friends, do leave comments on what do you think of me, my personality, what do you like in me and if possible what you dislike in me... (^-^)
hope to have replies as i would like to know more about myself and be a better person in the future...as i think that other people know you better than you know yourself...
now, maybe this is may seem unuseful to others, but it is important to me as to evaluate what i am really...please any of my friends, do leave comments on what do you think of me, my personality, what do you like in me and if possible what you dislike in me... (^-^)
hope to have replies as i would like to know more about myself and be a better person in the future...as i think that other people know you better than you know yourself...
Gotta change man...
hmm....i noticed that the very day after i resign from my job, i've become very F-ing lazy... sigh...i wake up every 'morning' at an average of 2pm...every single day... ( =.=")
and as the consequences, my body has become weaker than before...i get tired too easily...once i can push-up for 40~70 non-stop, now i can only do 30 average per session...well, i gotta change man...(>.<)
i wanna be fit for nest sem 'cause i want to participate in as many sports as i can...i don't want to be like the last sem, where i always spend my time perambulating (sounds weird) , hanging around KL, and play computer games during free time...sports were my essence during my early days...wise men say "badan cergas, minda cerdas"...well, i'm looking forward to believing that statement...(^-^)
here's the list of what i have to accomplish before i enter the next semester at intec:-
and as the consequences, my body has become weaker than before...i get tired too easily...once i can push-up for 40~70 non-stop, now i can only do 30 average per session...well, i gotta change man...(>.<)
i wanna be fit for nest sem 'cause i want to participate in as many sports as i can...i don't want to be like the last sem, where i always spend my time perambulating (sounds weird) , hanging around KL, and play computer games during free time...sports were my essence during my early days...wise men say "badan cergas, minda cerdas"...well, i'm looking forward to believing that statement...(^-^)
here's the list of what i have to accomplish before i enter the next semester at intec:-
- achieve 50 at least push-up per session (gambatteh ne!!)
- revise back pre-calculus syllabus (ugh... (>.<) )
- finish up 'The Hobbit' book that i bought last semester. (dah berabuk da)
- finish up reading 'Samurai X' manga. (now at chapter 31...170++ to go)
- train to wake up at morning (7am if possible...haha)
- download at least 150 movies (now 138 in my collection)
- pay up collage fees (almost forgot...today is the starting day to pay)
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Running Back and Forth...
i was like a ball, kicked back and forth by two sides....everything was quite confusing....
well its good that this has nothing to do with work or anything related to my past history...haha...funny thing was that it was related to my future planning...
maybe i can be called a whinner for discussing what opt not to be discussed in public due to $%$#^#$% matter...but i cannot hold back and bear the situation if i was involved in it!!
let's get straight to the point...i think that the one who's in charge of my residency collage should be more clearer in matter such as what i'm facing now; the venue to register for the upcoming semester...the things is that i contacted the collage and asked them about this matter... and they told me that i have to register at section 18 student residence area...then afterwards, a friend of mine informed that the registration will take place at section 6...they got the info from the person in charge of the whole collage in student residence....ugh....
they should be clearer in this matter...if not, HELL will break loose on the day of registration and each side will point its finger (maybe even middle finger) to other side to say whose the fault that cause the havoc...such calamity...sigh...
well its good that this has nothing to do with work or anything related to my past history...haha...funny thing was that it was related to my future planning...
maybe i can be called a whinner for discussing what opt not to be discussed in public due to $%$#^#$% matter...but i cannot hold back and bear the situation if i was involved in it!!
let's get straight to the point...i think that the one who's in charge of my residency collage should be more clearer in matter such as what i'm facing now; the venue to register for the upcoming semester...the things is that i contacted the collage and asked them about this matter... and they told me that i have to register at section 18 student residence area...then afterwards, a friend of mine informed that the registration will take place at section 6...they got the info from the person in charge of the whole collage in student residence....ugh....
they should be clearer in this matter...if not, HELL will break loose on the day of registration and each side will point its finger (maybe even middle finger) to other side to say whose the fault that cause the havoc...such calamity...sigh...
Thursday, December 4, 2008
The Conclude...
hmm...last month, i put an entry titled the prelude...so here it is, the conclude...everything that starts has its end...so does my career...
today, by the time i post this entry, i was at home, writing this single entry for the day...not going to work that started at 4.00pm...my pop and mom said: "dah la yeh?..." ....mom pat my head and said something soothing cause my mood was like a boiling pot of lava...i went home flat, throwing away my bag and hit the glass vase...luckily it didn't break...the Duty Officer really took side yesterday...but that't the rule and i have to abide the work rule...but she didn't even have the human sense of the meaning of 'tired'....in other word, 'dasar antara manusia'...other workers knew that she was not an efficient DO, so they hide somewhere to avoid task...
well yesterday was indeed the closing part of my career there...i'll remember the high and low of what i experienced there...there's so much i've gained and little that i lost...here's some summary of what i've gained and lost:
i gained:
today, by the time i post this entry, i was at home, writing this single entry for the day...not going to work that started at 4.00pm...my pop and mom said: "dah la yeh?..." ....mom pat my head and said something soothing cause my mood was like a boiling pot of lava...i went home flat, throwing away my bag and hit the glass vase...luckily it didn't break...the Duty Officer really took side yesterday...but that't the rule and i have to abide the work rule...but she didn't even have the human sense of the meaning of 'tired'....in other word, 'dasar antara manusia'...other workers knew that she was not an efficient DO, so they hide somewhere to avoid task...
well yesterday was indeed the closing part of my career there...i'll remember the high and low of what i experienced there...there's so much i've gained and little that i lost...here's some summary of what i've gained and lost:
i gained:
- never feel inferior to other people...be it he/she is of great stature...after all, every human being is the same...
- voice out your rights if you are wronged...
- patience is virtue...
- take advantage of your surrounding...
- never lose your head when you're surrounded my problems...
- knowledge to clean aircrafts...
- the experience to know different type of people...
- more money than i gained...sigh... (T-T)
- my temper a bit...
- my job
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Here We Go Again...
hmm...today i will go to work again...sigh....seem so wrong to me...after all that have happened...
when i have the paycheck the day before yesterday, i don't even feel happy when i got my hands on that piece of paper...all my sweat and effort were paid off in that green lil' piece of paper...everything seems wrong...i should be happy to receive that money, but deep inside, i don't...
i really 'makan dalam' 'bout the thing the man said to my sister that day...cubit peha kiri, peha kana rasa sakit...thats how things worked...i may seem like a person who doesn't care about things seriously...but if that thing touches my sensitive spot, i'm an unforgivable person...merciless....i will avenge in any way possible...the cunning side of me stayed hidden for long time, and it will come out when things went desperate...a summon will do the job...muahahaha...
maybe i'll just complete the training requirement for 1~2 more days...then i reconsider to quit this job...why continue if i'm not happy to do the job? before this, i was more than happy to do this interesting job despite the challenges i faced everyday...you can read 'bout my experience in my older posts...but now, i only wished that i can quit this job as soon as possible...screw the money i needed to pay my college fees... screw my dream to buy a camera for myself after i received my last paycheck... i'll find other way...
when i have the paycheck the day before yesterday, i don't even feel happy when i got my hands on that piece of paper...all my sweat and effort were paid off in that green lil' piece of paper...everything seems wrong...i should be happy to receive that money, but deep inside, i don't...
i really 'makan dalam' 'bout the thing the man said to my sister that day...cubit peha kiri, peha kana rasa sakit...thats how things worked...i may seem like a person who doesn't care about things seriously...but if that thing touches my sensitive spot, i'm an unforgivable person...merciless....i will avenge in any way possible...the cunning side of me stayed hidden for long time, and it will come out when things went desperate...a summon will do the job...muahahaha...
maybe i'll just complete the training requirement for 1~2 more days...then i reconsider to quit this job...why continue if i'm not happy to do the job? before this, i was more than happy to do this interesting job despite the challenges i faced everyday...you can read 'bout my experience in my older posts...but now, i only wished that i can quit this job as soon as possible...screw the money i needed to pay my college fees... screw my dream to buy a camera for myself after i received my last paycheck... i'll find other way...
Monday, December 1, 2008
Last Supper...

today maybe the last day i'll be working at the airport...due to the problems we had with the security...

apart from that, maybe we'll file a summon to the racist guy before if i decided to quit this job...he's strayed to far from his responsiblity...touching the sensitive issue and brief sexual harassment...

this cheese spagetti with 3 spicy meat-a-ball may be my last supper 'in-flight'....heh...

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