it touched my heart today that one act of tolerance can lead to a better understanding between two different people...
a friend, a religious friend, a kind and thoughtful friend, and a tolerable friend...i was almost at a shock to receive such offer during the moment...
it was almost 1 o'clock past noon...the z'hur prayer should be just around that time...i was kind of wondering how can i perform my prayer in a different religion friend...before i could mention about my concern to her, she said:
Dawn: "I'm sure you have to perform your prayer soon right?"
Me: "Yeah.."
Dawn: "There's a room downstairs where you can have a room for you to perform prayer...I should find you a room with more privacy..."
and she continued...
Dawn: "If you face this way, it would be heading to the north...and Madison should be in the north-east direction...I think you should be praying in that direction..."
i got the sense that she also took attention to the muslims' need and she even know the direction of the qibla'...she took incentive to know a little about Islam...but why do muslims do not even take into consideration to learn about other religion? it does not mean that you are going to leave Islam and embrace other religion...but for the sake of better understanding between different religions...so that we can tolerate among each other...
i was touched by her action...this proved that even though we have different view in religion, it does not mean that we cannot get along...
from left: Deb J. Meyer, Dawn, and her husband Randyi wonder how malaysia can cope up with this situation...the Americans took seriously about discrimination...malaysia also take the necessary actions to alleviate the racism and the fight among religions problems...but even with the Cow Head issue which IMO(in my opinion), is just a small problem, there's still a huge dispute between the malays and the indians..
*i cannot post a picture of the cow head issue due to the sensitivity of some people*
i hope malaysians can learn from others...put away the ego...i know as we grew older, ego is pride...but with pride comes prejudice...with ego, come war...think again...i'm not here to condemn my own beloved country...i want my country to be a better place to live...