Monday, November 30, 2009
30th November 2009
"been in touch with a long lost friend from the past...reminiscing the past sure lights up my gloomy day..."
Monday, November 23, 2009
"if happiness can take shape, what would it be?
i would say it will be like glass...though it is unseen, but it's there.
when the light passes through it, it will shine and create wonderful reflections"
-lelouch vi britannia
i would say it will be like glass...though it is unseen, but it's there.
when the light passes through it, it will shine and create wonderful reflections"
-lelouch vi britannia
sugoi!! (cool!!)
Friday, November 20, 2009
Journal 19th November 2009
"horrible. the test was undoubtedly the most clueless test i've even done. the feeling at the moment i read the questions was like pantech (pronounced pantek)!! damn...i better make use of my weekend to make me forget the horrible pantech java test..."
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Journal 18th November 2009
"cooked me self fried kuey teow for lunch for the first time in me life..... taste like 89% of the perfecto fried kuey teow that me father always make.... in the land where the people have no taste in food (America), me wonder if me can get me cooking even more perfect, thanks to the lack of reliable cooking ingredients."
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Journal 17th November 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
The Sims 4™

Title : The Sims 4™
Rate : M
Release : TBA
heck, i ain't gonna post about the real sims game...those who are interested in games, you should consult here ...
the sims has taught me a shitload of particular to me is the progress in something that is new to me...from developing creativity through house designing process, giving me clue about what's going to happen in the future (death), human socializing (scoot&kiss...preferably make-out kiss) to handling the bladder (i must stand and wet myself up if i cannot hold on to my bladder anymore)...
last night was the first time i ever ice-skate...the thought that bulls-eyed my brain the moment i stepped into the ice ring was a flashback; back towards the moment i tried to learn to ride a 2-wheeled bicycle (okay, i'm sentimental)...every time i fell down on the ice, somehow the pain synchronized with the memory i had falling from the bicycle...

but i am quite a hardheaded or a Grond (those who know me well should know this) when it comes to learning something physically challenging...i learned soccer through 2-hours practice (though i'm not good at it even now), practice bowling till my fingers cannot move, learn lawn bowl while sunbathing till i get dark, and now, ice-skating till my leg hurts (maybe i can blame my skate shoes which is waayyy to wide..)
remember the progress bar on top of the sims head when he/she is learning something? maybe my ice-skating skill did not improve more than 10%..hahaha...i wonder if there is any console that i can type cheat codes in real life similar to the sims? haha
Monday, November 9, 2009
Hell Smiten
a great friend of mine asked me to read his facebook status and give my honest piece of shit about he goes:
"Hey my muslim friends, stop chasing after anti-religion groups like "F*** Islam" etc!!! Just let them do what they will! why do U have to get so cooked up??Mind ur own freaking business!"
-Kash N Khan, 2009
myth 1: "ignorance is a sin"
here's a fact: ignorance can lead to boredom, which will lead to the isolation of the source of ignorance - the first person to say "F**k Islam!". the more people congested in the group, joining the discussion how retarded the christian child for cursing Islam, the more chaotic the situation is! why don't we try to leave that poor child with his toys. later when nobody pays attention to him/her, he'll/she'll stop. things you should consider: is this a trick made by some assholes to instill anger within us muslims? and by joining the group, will the facebook owner delete the anti-religion group? for ass sake, no!
just when i ignored another one similar like this, another came out of nowhere, which i ignored, AGAIN!
myth 2: "to show that we muslims are one"
here's my piece of shit: would you follow one of your bretherens into a shithole , one after another? if one muslim is angered by the sentiment of the anti-islam group, he'll ask other muslims to join him 'for the sake of unity as muslims'. unintentinally, they'll be assimilating the anger towards the anti-islams. wouldn't it be us who get to share the spotlight for the badass here too?
myth 3: "wouldn't you protect the dignity of your embraced religion: Islam?"
here's some ass freshener: would it carry on the meaning of peace by joining the riot? defensive mechanism works in two ways here: absorb or reflect. those anti-christ slash for-the-dignity-of-islam group employs the latter. they reflect back the sarcastic words fired on them by using the famous technique called "fuck-'em-christian-back". peace is like the sun and the moon, yin and yang, water and the gist of what i mean by those metaphors, or you'll eat shit for the rest of your life.
PS: "phew...that was stress onto my calculus shit~~"
-Kash N Khan, 2009
so what's up with the controversial statement? does it mean that he can be fucked as an infidel for saying his opinion? Hell be blessed, he's just a honest kiddo (sorry kash..haha)'re some myth about the anti-christ group(s) that exists(without 's'):
myth 1: "ignorance is a sin"
here's a fact: ignorance can lead to boredom, which will lead to the isolation of the source of ignorance - the first person to say "F**k Islam!". the more people congested in the group, joining the discussion how retarded the christian child for cursing Islam, the more chaotic the situation is! why don't we try to leave that poor child with his toys. later when nobody pays attention to him/her, he'll/she'll stop. things you should consider: is this a trick made by some assholes to instill anger within us muslims? and by joining the group, will the facebook owner delete the anti-religion group? for ass sake, no!

myth 2: "to show that we muslims are one"
here's my piece of shit: would you follow one of your bretherens into a shithole , one after another? if one muslim is angered by the sentiment of the anti-islam group, he'll ask other muslims to join him 'for the sake of unity as muslims'. unintentinally, they'll be assimilating the anger towards the anti-islams. wouldn't it be us who get to share the spotlight for the badass here too?
myth 3: "wouldn't you protect the dignity of your embraced religion: Islam?"
here's some ass freshener: would it carry on the meaning of peace by joining the riot? defensive mechanism works in two ways here: absorb or reflect. those anti-christ slash for-the-dignity-of-islam group employs the latter. they reflect back the sarcastic words fired on them by using the famous technique called "fuck-'em-christian-back". peace is like the sun and the moon, yin and yang, water and the gist of what i mean by those metaphors, or you'll eat shit for the rest of your life.
"there are more shit in the world than in your ass. get out of the box and think."
-mugen, 2009
-mugen, 2009
PS: "phew...that was stress onto my calculus shit~~"
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Berita Dari Tanah Air
selama 2 bulan lebih, banyak berita yang aku telah ketinggalan... sejak aku masuk duduk asrama lepas SPM, memang nak tgk berita @ baca surat khabar amat susah...
jadi sumber aku untuk nak ikut dengan isu semasa kat malaysia skrg, internet menjadi sumber inspirasi aku...antara berita yg baru aku dpt tahu:
-namewee buat hal lagi...kali ini TNB jadi mangsa...
-kisah asri (bukan asri drake university) yg menghentam JAIS sbb samakan org bukan Islam dengan perempuan datang haid dan tidak boleh masuk masjid...
-negeri sembilan FC 3 - 1 kelantan FC
jadi sumber aku untuk nak ikut dengan isu semasa kat malaysia skrg, internet menjadi sumber inspirasi aku...antara berita yg baru aku dpt tahu:
-namewee buat hal lagi...kali ini TNB jadi mangsa...
-kisah asri (bukan asri drake university) yg menghentam JAIS sbb samakan org bukan Islam dengan perempuan datang haid dan tidak boleh masuk masjid...
-negeri sembilan FC 3 - 1 kelantan FC
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Minggu Ke-9

setelah lama tidak main street soccer, akhirnya ke-gian-an terbabit dapat dilunaskan pada petang menghampiri malam semalam...walaupun baru elok daripada sakit pinggang, tapi nampaknya sudah sembuh...tapi, sekarang dapat pulak bonus baru...pergelangan kaki pulak sakit disepak dari belakang ketika bermain bola...
malamnya, tanpa dirancang, terjadilah satu movie night pertama di bilik aku...peserta2 nya adalah aku, muyak, qibo, piqa, bella dan paranormal activity - satu movie yang agak kontroversial...bila aku dapat tahu steven speilberg ada kaitan dengan movie ini, perasaan ragu2 mula datang samada cerita benar atau night diakhiri dengan pihak perempuan takut untuk balik ke bilik masing2 di tinggat atas tingkat aku...
pagi (tengah hari bagi kebanyakan org) aku di hari sabtu boleh dikatakan nyaman...suhu di luar hanya 20 celsius...disebabkan matahari di wisconsin amat terik, walaupun 20 celsius tapi aku sudah mula berpeluh (di dalam bilik aku yg ada aircond!!)...mungkin juga aku terjaga kerana makhluk2 disebelah bilik aku sedang melakukan aksi2 ranjang dengan bunyi2 yang explicit...
nasib aku teringat dengan janji aku untuk masak special hari ini - kambing potong!! (lamb chop)... perjalanan ke kedai daging halal amat la bosan+lama...detail2 kedai itu tak berapa ingat, tapi kedai di sebelah kedai halal tu amat segar dalam ingatan...kedai halal tu betul2 seberang kedai jual dvd porn yg terbesar setakat ni aku nmpk...kecewa dengan koleksi daging halal di kedai tersebut (hanya ada kambing yg da potong2 kecik), tinggal chicken chop je la...
walaupun ini kali pertama aku sendiri yang handle masak ayam tu, tapi hasilnye mmg jauh lagi baik dari yg disangka...suhu 450F oven utk sejam dah cukup utk masak sampai ke, aku terpanggang lebih dari ayam yg dipanggang...pangkal ibu jari aku terkena besi panas oven 1/5 saat dan aku boleh nampak daging aku...chop gravy tidak dapat aku sediakan secara homemade kerana kesuntukan bahan...terpaksa guna instant punya yg tak cukup kick...
essay ini bukan utk nak menunjuk kehidupan aku yg agak hambar sejak kebelakangan ini...tetapi sebagai rekod kepada kehidupan aku yang semakin aku lupa...mungkin sebab tido lama sangat atau pemakanan aku yg tidak sihat yg jadikan aku pelupa...inilah life-in-the-9th -week-in-US aku...
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Reciprocal Truth
"so, all these while, we never really are ourselves"
-mugen, 2009
in conjunction with
"just be yourself"
-mugen, 2009
in conjunction with
"just be yourself"
Monday, November 2, 2009
Pinkie Stevie
a day in history: on 1st november 2009, i deliberately (yet forcibly) made myself to attend an academic talk by steven pinker.
-i was made to attend the talk as a requirement for my seminar class which offers one fucking credit.
-overall: 30% fucking insight refresher, 70% fucking garbage talk.
-what opened my mind: viewing language in psychological perspective is sure fucking interesting.
-fucking love this part:
-FCC (some kinda police in media) charged bono for saying obscene word in public.
-bono cannot be charged according to steven pinker due to enactment of the USA
-the enactment will only charge bono if the obscene word (fuck) is of tenses, adjectives, or any grammar sublets.
-but the enactment misses one point: fucking in bono's quote is an adverb - the only grammar sublets that is not included in the enactment.
-also pinker said: bono used 'fucking' to express his overwhelming emotion when he's on the stage.
*note that i used a lot of (fucking) words in this post to show how i explicitly show my overwhelming emotion.
p.s.: kinda start to like to hear psychological-themed talk like this...somehow i wondered why i dont choose to major in psychology...sigh
-i was made to attend the talk as a requirement for my seminar class which offers one fucking credit.
-overall: 30% fucking insight refresher, 70% fucking garbage talk.
-what opened my mind: viewing language in psychological perspective is sure fucking interesting.
-fucking love this part:
"this is really, really, fucking brilliant"
- Bono U2, 2003, during Golden Globe Awards
- Bono U2, 2003, during Golden Globe Awards
-FCC (some kinda police in media) charged bono for saying obscene word in public.
-bono cannot be charged according to steven pinker due to enactment of the USA
-the enactment will only charge bono if the obscene word (fuck) is of tenses, adjectives, or any grammar sublets.
-but the enactment misses one point: fucking in bono's quote is an adverb - the only grammar sublets that is not included in the enactment.
-also pinker said: bono used 'fucking' to express his overwhelming emotion when he's on the stage.
*note that i used a lot of (fucking) words in this post to show how i explicitly show my overwhelming emotion.
p.s.: kinda start to like to hear psychological-themed talk like this...somehow i wondered why i dont choose to major in psychology...sigh
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