The morning dew was very chilling...the weather was cloudy, and the wind speed was mild; perfect for me to continue my sleep...But the high frequency sound of my auntie's voice, broke through the serenity of the morning..."
Bangun, bangun!! Dah lambat nak pergi Seremban!!"...the same sentence that echoed numerous times until I got fed-up with 'em...So I grabbed my towel and rushed to the bathroom...
The journey was very cloudy in my mind, as I was always sleepy on the way to town...after several minutes, I was dumbfounded to see the big sign of Hospital Besar...OMG!!!....I forgot that the main purpose for my aunt to take me to Seremban was to get my medical checkup done!! ...
As soon as I entered the main entrance, I met up with my cousin, who, same as me, getting his medical checkup done as he'll be goin' to KMS on th 24th of June...I was glad to have him as company as I was not ready to encounter my greatest fear...later on I'll tell you the clearer story...
The first test was to measure my height, weight, colour-blindness, and eye-sight...
Height : 174cm(I thought 179cm...sob), Weight : 54kgs(Erkk...last night 52 oni lar).....Eye-sight test, I scored full mark for all the letters...And last but not least, the
nemesis of my life, the reason why I don't take up my driving license until now; the
COLOUR-BLINDNESS TEST!!! But what made me wonder was that the test was as easy as the eye-sight test!! Full score for me yet again...Yay!! XD

Second test was not memorable; the dental test...the test last only for 1 minute...then I went for the urine test...I was looking forward for this test as my bladder was almost going to explode at that time...Heheh...XD
The radiology test can't be commenced as I have to make appointment for the test...sob...have to wait until 10th of July...So, I went for the last test...the main reason I desperately wanna take the medical checkup...the blood test~~...This test was just like a final battle between two archenemies, between me~~~and~~~the needle....Heh...might sound funny for most people but
YES, I have this little thingy called
trypanophobia...try google it and you'll know the real meaning...My cousin took the test 1st before me...and that was my biggest mistake...the longer I take a look of the needle, the colder I get, the fainter my sight, the weaker I get...I struggled to fight my greatest fear, but I cannot fight the pressure off my mind, so I succumb to defeat...half-time for me...I get myself some sandwiches to regain my energy...and after 15 minutes, I was ready to fight again...and at last~~~I~~~~lose...I have to glance away from seeing the the nurse can 'suck' my blood without further delay...

Looking at the bright side of my defeat, I at least tried to encounter my fear, rather than run away like a cousin have 2 large swellings at the point where the nurse punctured for the blood vein...while me? none~~...I even went to play volleyball later in the evening without any pain...thank God..
Thats all...hope to have the chance to encounter my fear fight the fear off...that will be my long-term achievement...