Sunday, March 14, 2010

So Tired of Being Here

phew...i'm still halfway to go to finish up my breakfast+lunch+dinner+supper...

and it's only a friggin' fried shrimp rice from the asian kitchen...

now, eating up the whole menu is a sport for me....and i'm already tired munching those extravagant dose of food....

really, you'll never complain about getting not enough food in US, unlike in malaysia, where you will say: "asal sikit giler nasi dia bagi nih? mok cik, tambah skek nasi...".

one thing for sure, americans do eat a LOT! no wonder they are large.

p.s.: the title is quoted from my all time favorite song My Immortal by Evanescence.


nabila bella said...

lol.ko nk taw x..aku pn order bnda yg same mlm sabtu n mlm ahad ni xabes2 lg.ade dlm fridge aku tu.

haihh sehati sejiwa btl.aku bru ingt nk ajak ko dtg mkn.hahahahah.sib baek xajak.

a d a m™ said...

ahahha....terburai ar perut aku kang...