what's so good 'bout it compared to cendana?
as far as i know,
here are some tips on how life in cemara is:
- public-toilet-like toilet (>.<)
- thieves' den (gotta buy more weapons later)
- narrow steps and stairs as you go higher up the level (alip, i pray that you'll get the 1st level house)
- mamak food is garbage compared to dawood.
- sound pollution (maybe for those who get room next to the main road)
- dengue (shit)
- etc.
erk, before that, why must we move to cemara??!!!
cemara x la teruk sgt kot.. mcm nk kne bunoh jek gi pindah cemara.
ps: kne la pindah.. bdk2 baru nk masuk. haisyy~~
adam risau kmbing hybrid nye mknn xdk. xD haha. :P
rumput bnyk.
tpi kmbing hybrid mkn ape ek? :P
hijrah kene la kepada yg lebih baik...eheheh...
kambing hybrid makan secret recipe...
uit adam
bdk mara xyah pindah la
ha syahir, ko mmandai jek.
jgn ko ckp ko ckp bdasarkn ape yg aku ckp kt fb acap.
kn aku da tulis "silap2.. slh bace, ingt 30 jun."
haha. scret recipe yg ade lipas?
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