I was very honored to be given the chance to serve the V VIP at Pejabat Majlis Perbandaran Sepang...A ahli mesyuarat parliment I think...Although I was just a newbie waiter, I have to prove to my colleagues that I am a quick learner...In just a week, I have served many VIP back at the Akademi Audit Negara...Also have served the Pengarah of Audit Malaysia himself...Heh...
The work at Sepang was not very tiring...I only have to serve 40 people max at a time including the VVIP...very easy indeed compared to 115 people back at the Akademi Audit Negara including the VIPs...the VVIP was not easies to handle as he was pleased with the service I have given...and not much hassle...as expected from a man of high standard...but the real hassle was from the staff of the Majlis Perbandaran Sepang itself whos a VVIP-wannabe...complained too much when others were satistified with the food I

Same goes to some Akademi staffs...just by holding upper level of job in the office, which, for me, looked just like any other clerk...acting like a VIP...demanding extra service...demanding more than 2 waiters to serve them...complaining the presentation of food....I remembered how she said to me..."Kenapa potong buah macam ni? Macam nak bagi ayam makan jer..."....the potong-macam-kasi-makan-ayam style was practiced by many 5-star hotels as well as at the Istana...my seniors who made the food presentation, who had been serving in Istana already, only laugh to himself...non-VIP tried to be VIP...heheh... very lame...